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    Messages : 6
    Date d'inscription : 28/10/2009

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    Message  loup0 Jeu 29 Oct - 11:38


    a very rude way to say "bye" in japanese. usually used when you're pissed off at someone. translates to "good Riddance" or "the hell with ya"
    you: please go out with me
    hot chick: no way in hell
    you: abayo!

    To get the basics of the Japanse dialects, see the following website:


    The word "abayo" is more or less a Tokyo dialect meaning "bye!." It used to be a very popular colloqual and informal expression used primarily by boys and men until sometime ago, but the younger generation Japanese do not appear to use it any more.

    The word "abayo" is said to derive from the now archaic infant talk "aba-aba" which meant "ta ta" or "bye bye." The suffix "yo" is a particle which stresses the speaker's intentions. "Yo" is used in such expressions as "ikou-yo" (let's go) or "matte-yo" (wait a sec).

    There is also a theory which says that it is derived from "saaraba-yo" which means "soude arunara" (if that is so) which is similar to the derivation of "sayonara" which is derived from "sayou nara" (if that is so).

    I myself, however, subscribe to the view that it is derived from "aba-aba."


      La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 14 Nov - 23:55